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Margarita Madness is Here!


Stop by & choose our


The Big Tournament of Margs!

First round- Come and try our new featured margaritas from March 18th - 31st!

Second round- Sip and choose between the two top margs as they compete head to head!
April 1st - 7th

Final round- The Margarita Madness Champion
will be announced!

Find Your Dos

Our starting 5 margarita contenders:

Times Square - Mystical Dragon
Featuring Maestro Dobel Diamante Reposado Tequila 

Meatpacking - Amanecer
Featuring Maestro Dobel Diamante Reposado Tequila

Lexington - Coco Loco
Featuring Maestro Dobel Diamante Reposado Tequila

Charlotte - Mandarita
Featuring Maestro Dobel Diamante Reposado Tequila

Atlantic City - Peach Bird
Featuring Maestro Dobel Diamante Reposado Tequila

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